Friday, February 28, 2025
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Twin Cities, MN








  Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. (2:185)

Contact Us

If you would like more information about us, or have a question, please feel free to contact us via phone or email. Conversely, you are also welcome to stop by our office if this is more convenient.


Our office address, office hours and other contact information is included below.

Islamic Center of Minnesota
1401 Gardena Ave NE
Fridley , MN 55432

Phone: 763.571.5604
Fax: 763-273-8487

Office Hours: 9:00 A.M. – 5 P.M. (7 days a week)


Please note that our office is open 7 days per week except for

designated local and Islamic holidays. If you are planning to

stop by, it is recommended that you call ahead to make sure

someone will be available to meet with you.